Forensic Architecture
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Forensic Architecture, building repair, building science, building problems, roofing specifications, building leaks  
What is “Forensic Architecture Consulting”?

We help our clients solve problems with their buildings.

We focus on the design and performance of buildings with the aim of making our clients’ investments more sound and their buildings better.

Problems can come from age, faulty construction, negligent design, insufficient maintenance and, sometimes, plain bad luck. The most common failures result in water being where it shouldn’t be, but they can also come in the form of code violations, zoning and planning conflicts, occupant discomfort, poor appearance, or unnecessary expense.

What do we do?
We offer the services of a licensed architect experienced in design, construction, building technology, zoning and planning, who will perform any of the following tasks depending on what the problem and the client require:
  • Inspect existing conditions, record them, and track down the source of problems;
  • Identify appropriate options for remedial work and analyze their relative costs and effectiveness;
  • Design and specify corrective measures;
  • Compare the original design documents (plans and specifications) with the work actually done;
  • Compare the construction in place with industry standards recommended at the time that the work was done;
  • Inspect work in progress and completed for compliance with the plans and specifications;
  • Identify and analyze code and accessibility problems and negotiate with code enforcement officials;
  • Prepare written and illustrated reports describing and explaining any work recommended or measures taken;
  • Assemble and coordinate an appropriate team of consultants in the event that the involvement of other disciplines such as toxicology or specialized building engineering are warranted.
Are we expert witnesses?
We are always available to explain our work to or for our clients in any venue necessary. Our practice in forensic architecture has naturally led to consulting with attorneys and their clients who were involved in disputes related to building design and performance. We do our analysis based solely on the technical and design issues at hand and are prepared to explain it on that basis. We do not offer expert witness testimony as a special service.
For some examples of our forensic architecture and technical consulting practice, click Forensic Architecture Consulting - Building Technology.